
The current status of activities

Current activities:

- Job catalogue - Why? Because it will form the basis for the inventory, evaluation and classification of jobs in the Ministry.

- Drafting of job descriptions - Why? Because they will be the basis for a regulated system of selection, evaluation, development and training of employees, in that it will contain precisely defined knowledge, skills, abilities, education and experience required for each position in the Ministry.

- Drafting of the career development model -Why? The answer is because it allows for the capable, competent and motivated candidates (those with the best performance) to apply for positions. According to the new career development model, in order to obtain the immediately higher rank/grade, the cumulative fulfillment of the existing conditions is no longer sufficient (the appropriate level of education, the time spent with the previous rank, and the adequate official annual assessment marks), but taking the examination will be necessary as well as training.

Drafting the relevant bylaws is in progress.

- Drafting of bylaws - Why? Because they shall regulate the normative framework and create conditions for the overall implementation of the new Law on Police.

Adopted bylaws within HR jurisdiction:

  1. Rulebook on competencies for employees in the MoI (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 52/2016),
  2. Regulation on conducting Public Competition in the MoI (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No.72/2016),
  3. Rulebook on conducting Internal competition for employees in the MoI (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 73/2016).
  4. Regulation on the criteria for assignment of managerial posts of police officers ("Official Gazette of RS" No.8/2017)
  5. Decision on the criteria for assignment of managerial posts of police officers,
  6. Regulation on police officers career development ("Official Gazette of RS" No.11/2017)
  7. Regulation on professional development of trainees and taking professional exam in the Ministry of Interior ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 8/2017 , 3.2.2017.),
  8. Regulation on evaluation of police officers and other staff in the Ministry of Inteior("Official Gazette of RS" No. 17/2017”)
  9. Professional Development Bylaw in the Ministry of Interior (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No.42/2017)
  10. The Rulebook on the manner of implementation and  measures of specific medical treatment  in the Ministry of Interior (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No.73 28th July 2017)
  11. The Rulebook on terms and method of using the funds for Solidarity Support ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No.26/2017 and 94/2017)
  12. The Rulebook on Solidarity Support in the Ministry of Interior ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No.105/2016)

 - Internal and Public competition - Why? Because it will ensure Recruitment and Selection process to be conducted in a manner clearly defined by law and bylaw acts, transparent and which provides equal opportunities for participation of candidates. 

“The Ministry of Interior began implementing a public and internal competition. At this moment, two competitions are being conducted in the Ministry, one is internal competiton for the vacant places in the senior management level, and the other is competition for candidates for basic police training.”

- Harmonization of human resources management processes with the processes of other organizational units - Why? Because this will maximize the efficiency of all the organizational units and achievement of the goals of the Ministry.

- Implementing  new HR software - Why? Implementing new software solution (SAP application) is in the function of the reform process and establishing strategic  jurisdiction of the HR Sector and also has the objective to ensure more efficient and effective work, faster exercising the rights of employees and establishing conditions for implementation a system of Career development in the Ministry of Interior. Implemented SAP solution now includes four modules – employee administration, organisation management, training management and time management.

- Enhanced evaluation system – Why? In order to improve and give greater importance to the process, concerning that the assessment will directly influence professional development and career progression.


Key reform activities A1


Information shall be updated on a quarterly basis